Category Description

Multiple episodes and does not exist as a stand alone piece (11 minutes or more)

Entries should be submitted as a ‘case study’ video and/or ‘case study’ PDF. In addition to your ‘case study’ video upload, you may provide a link to your content on the entry form.

A synopsis of 500 words or less must be supplied with each entry (this will be collected on the entry form).

Please be sure to include the following information in your entry (either within the synopsis or case study):

  • Business objective
  • Insight
  • Idea
  • Distribution
  • Results

If information must remain confidential, please preface content with “confidential, not for publication” and it will only be used for judging purposes.

For judging purposes, please submit your entry in English.


Mandatory: Yes
Required: 1

Media Types Accepted

Media type: Image
File types: jpg
File size: Up to 30 Mb